5 perc EU-angol - Tanuljon velünk hasznos EU-angol fordulatokat!


Képzés | Felsőoktatás, Felnőtt tanulás, Nonprofit szervezet, Önkormányzatok, , Szakképzés

5 perces videó leckénkkel mindennapi szóbeli uniós helyzetekre készítjük fel Önt. Tartson velünk!

A Tempus Közalapítvány EU-angol cikksorozatának keretében idén video leckéket indítunk útjára.

A sorozat első videójával segíteni szeretnénk abban, hogyan miként lehet hasznos EU-angol szófordulatokat megtanulni, valamint élő beszéd közben jegyzeteket készíteni. Mai választott témánk: a problémamegoldás.

Vigyázat! A videó erős, a nyugalom megzavarására alkalmas jelenettel kezdődik!

Tackling the roots of terrorism in Europe


Source: http://www.europarltv.europa.eu/en/player.aspx?pid=6a92ee36-b927-401d-8c8c-a437010a4486

With the help of this short video, you will learn:

  • how to listen and take notes
  • powerful verbs to talk about problem-solving
  • EU terms

Video extra: spotting a grammatical blunder

Task 1 – Brainstorming about expectations based on title

Before you watch the video “Tackling the roots of terrorism in Europe”, list at least 3 words that you expect to hear.

Task 2 – Taking notes while listening

Watch the video. Take notes as you listen on what you hear. You will need to focus your attention on the language used by the presenter and the speakers, so try not to paraphrase but write down the words/expressions as you hear them.


Watch the video a second time. Put a check mark next to the words that you can hear in the video. Did you hear the words you expected to hear based on the title?

backdrop mind-blowing
EU summit fund
perpetrate mind-set
proportionate wrongdoings
layman desperately


Task 3 – Powerful verbs to talk about problem-solving

Using the vocabulary from the video, fill in the missing words in the text. To make it easier for you, the first letter of each word is given.

  1. An EU summit of Heads of State was h……………. in Brussels.
  2. The message is clear: Europe needs to a……………. fast.
  3. According to the first vice-president of the European Commission, Europe must i…………………….. adopted decisions.
  4. The weak point seems to be that these decisions are not p……………..into p…………….. .
  5. PNR, passenger name records, has e……………… as one of the frontrunners in the fight against terrorism.
  6. Passenger security must be i…………………….. .
  7. Often blame is l……………. at the door of outside influences for f………………..an extremist mind-set.
  8. Europe should also l…………..to their own citizens for seeds of hatred among Europeans.
  9. All eyes t………… to Brussels with the hope that real solutions, so desperately needed, are f………………. .
Task 4 – EU terms in the video

Read the definitions and match them to the terms used in the video.

                                    European Council


              Heads of State or Government      -   EU summit  


  1. …………………………………….. represent the Member States at the meetings of the European Council. Depending on the constitutional model of the Member State, either the head of government of the head of state may represent the Member State in the European Council.
  2. ………………………………………refers to the meetings of the European Council.
  3. The ………………………………………. consisting of …………………………………….., the president of the European Commission and its own president is responsible for defining the general political guidelines of the EU.

Check out our book: EU English – Using English in EU Contexts for more information related to the EU and EU terms and phrases.

Video extra – Spotting grammatical blunders

What is wrong with the sentence in bold?

“That’s why we have to rethink what went wrong in the past, what we…what did we wrong. …”



  1. held
  2. act
  3. implement
  4. put, practice
  5. emerged
  6. increased
  7. laid, funding
  8. look
  9. turn, found
  10. Heads of State or Government
  11. EU summit
  12. European Council

Video extra:  As you can see if you read the subtitles, the editors have corrected this small mistake. Correctly the sentence should be:

“That’s why we have to rethink what went wrong in the past what we…what we did wrong. …”

Notice how the word order was corrected.

A szerzőről:

Kapcsolódó cikkek:

EU-angol szaknyelvi képzés indul március 23-án! Jelentkezés lejár március 6-án!>>

Mit tegyünk, ha EU-intézményben szeretnénk dolgozni? Az EPSO-vizsgafeladatok II/2.>>

Utolsó módosítás: 2015.03.10.