As an active member of the Bioethics interdisciplinary network, the Theological College of Pécs had organised a summer school for the fourth time, receiving an increasing interest from its partners. Dr. Gusztáv Kovács, Rector, the local coordinator of the network summarised this year's experiences.
Teaching Bioethics - CEEPUS Summer School
Our network mostly organises activities focusing on bioethics. The education of bioethics is one of the key research areas, as the network has assumed responsibility for providing training and the necessary scientific and educational background. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in educational methodology, so we considered it important that both the students and the teachers learn about the latest methodological trends in bioethics, too.
Almost all the students who attend study, or conduct research in, bioethics. Most of them are theologians, catechists or work in some helping field. Besides the students and teachers of the CEEPUS partner institutions, we also made the course available for people coming from outside the region to allow for broader participation.
Beyond the theoretical basics, at the presentations and seminars the students also learnt about practices which the lecturers had long used with success. On the closing day of the event, the students were given an opportunity to try the educational methods they'd learnt. They held experimental English classes for thirty students of Szent Mór School Centre. They students spoke very positively about the teaching practice.
The summer university also allows those to attend who can't spend an entire month or as much as a whole semester abroad. The outcomes of the intensive programme will be integrated into the bioethics and didactics related courses of the college. Our summer university scheduled for next year will focus on Africa.
CEEPUS network: Bioethics Summer university title: Teaching Bioethics - 4th PPHF International Summer School Partner countries:Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary, and from outside the CEEPUS network, the US, India, Germany, Nigeria and Sri Lanka. |
Utolsó módosítás: 2020.05.20.