Taking Stock of TCAs Realised in the Field of Education and Training between 2014-2018

Report of the research findings

2020 | Angol nyelvű kiadványok

Erasmus+ National Agencies are diverse all over Europe, however we all face at least two similar challenges in our everyday work: attracting new actors in the Programme and raising the quality of running projects. Transnational Cooperation Activities (TCAs), an instrument granted within the Erasmus+ for the national agencies to increase their potential in the above mentioned areas, has been introduced in the field of education and training in 2014. In the first years, NAs were reluctant to jump into TCAs, while over the years the value of these activities has been more and more conceived and for now the majority of national agencies pursue such cooperation by both sending participants and hosting events.

The study carried out in 2019 by the SALTO Education and Training TCA Resource Centre revealed that although TCAs demand considerable effort from the NAs, those national agencies which have been involved in TCAs find this opportunity unique and valuable in increasing the potential of the Erasmus+ Programme and meeting the challenges they face.

It is my honour to offer you this publication presenting the results of the study and incorporating conclusions of the consultations with the E&T TCA advisory group and the working group. The book summarizes the state of transnational cooperation activities in the field of education and training, gives an insight into how NAs look at these activities, how they decide on topics, manage events, and what advantages and obstacles they perceive in this regard.

This piece of work on one hand is a report enumerating what has been done between 2014-2018, on the other hand, it is a collection of practices and potential solutions aiming to give inspiration to NAs to get involved in TCAs. The report also contains recommendations on how to improve the transnational cooperation activities in the future Erasmus Programme.

Myself as the head of the Erasmus+ Department at the Hungarian National Agency - host of the SALTO E&T TCA Resource Centre – would like to thank, also in the name of my colleagues, all national agencies for filling in the online questionnaire sent out in the summer 2019 in the framework of the research. Let me express special acknowledgement to the representatives of those agencies who submitted good practices and who were available for the interviews.

Finally, yet importantly, we are grateful to the European Commission for providing the consolidated data tables for the quantitative research.

I hope that this piece of work will serve as an important resource to all the colleagues who would like to use the TCA tool more extensively in supporting the joint efforts of the Erasmus+ national agencies.

István Verses
Head of Department, Erasmus + Tempus Public Foundation