Tempus Public Foundation intends to issue a contract for the following service:

“Implementation of three separate professional trainings in English language with the aim of developing the competences and international sensitiveness of staff and lecturers of the Hungarian higher education institutions
between 2018-2019”

within the framework of Campus Mundi EFOP-3.4.2-VEKOP-15-2015-00001 project in accordance with the conditions detailed in the Call for Proposal.

The aim of the call is to invite interested organizations or trainer teams possessing adequate training experience and knowledge in the area of internationalisation of higher education and recent training methods, especially in the following three topics:

  • Internationalisation at home
  • Development of international partnerships
  • International student advising - developing intercultural competences

The deadline for submission of tender is 25 July 2018 12 pm.

Call for Proposal

Please note that annex 4 of the Call for request has been modified on 29 June 2018.

Method of submitting tenders: Please send the completed and signed forms listed in the attachment electronically in a scanned form, to the following email address: timea.takacs@tpf.hu

Contact information:
Timea Mester-Takács
internationalisation coordinator

Internationalisation at Home (IaH) entered the vocabulary of higher education institutions and became a crucial pillar of internationalising universities some 20 years ago. Preparing students for a global world through an internationalised curriculum is the main purpose of IaH. On 12 and 13 December 2018, the Tempus Public Foundation organised a workshop in Budapest on the concept and the implementation of IaH, in cooperation with the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA).

International office staff and academics of Hungarian higher education institutions participated in the two-day training course. The tools and strategies presented and discussed were aimed at empowering and inspiring participants to find their role in the process of IaH and help them to develop the steps for their own implementation process.

The IaH training was delivered by two trainers of the Academic Cooperation Association: Elisabeth Brunner-Sobanski from FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, and Bernd Wächter, Director of ACA. The participants were also made aware of misconceptions of IaH and encouraged to identify their already existing activities in the field. In the group discussions they identified different stakeholders in their own institutional context, and explore their roles and opportunities in implementing IaH in their institutions.

The training was an important step in emphasising the importance of IaH in the Hungarian context, and TPF intends to give further support for the implementation process in Hungary through offering training courses and providing a platform for the topic at national and institutional level.